Two colleagues constantly chat about cricket, movies and women at work, much to the annoyance of THE MECHANICAL ENGINEER. An astrologer has a strange visitor one evening, who is in a tearing hurry to know his TOMORROW, TODAY. The friendship between two housemates is disrupted by AN OLD FRIEND, who reconnects after a long time over a social networking site. An ardent DRAVID fan is ridiculed by his playmates for his classical batting technique, but is determined to earn their respect. A boy narrates the story of THE LUCKY DAY to the police who have come home to interrogate him. All this and more in 10 1/2 Stories of Our Times. Set against the backdrop of an increasingly liberated, empowered and connected world, these hard-hitting stories bring to light the shifting paradigms of modern India, eager to break free from the warp of established conventions and traditional mindsets. The classic tales in this collection are full of drama and suspense. Peppered with humor and satire, the stories serve as a compelling commentary on the times we live in. Ten unique stories. Many interesting characters. Many shades of life... And, a half-a-story that will surely raise a few eyebrows.
- | Author: Prakash Rajan
- | Publisher: Notion Press, Inc.
- | Publication Date: Jan 08, 2017
- | Number of Pages: 228 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1946515183
- | ISBN-13: 9781946515186