The advice and experiences Douglas Vermeeren shares are ideas and strategies that you can count on to work for you in your daily life. Your lessons need to be shared, but perhaps you haven't been able to take your business to the next level. Even though you've got great information, maybe you're not sure if you should enter into this business. Maybe it's too complex, competitive, or lacking in opportunity for you. If you follow the principles outlined in "Know Your Audience," you will find a spot in the speaking world. In this book, you will: -Get Tools to Match Your Audience to Your Needs -Create a Win/Win Deal for You and Your Audience -Learn How to Match Your Message to Your Audience -Find Unique Ways to Ask Others to Help You Fill the Room -Determine How You Can Profit and Navigate Through the Speaking World "'Know Your Audience' encourages paradigm shifting behavior. I suggest you read this book over-and-over again." - From the Foreword by Bob Proctor, Author, Speaker, and Featured Teacher in the hit movie, "The Secret" "Doug Vermeeren definitely knows what he is talking about. He's dynamic and wise and definitely worth listening to." - Marci Shimoff, Author of "Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul," and "Happy for No Reason," and Featured Teacher in "The Secret" "The carefully selected strategies shared in 'Know Your Audience' are the vital ones to help you achieve the best results in the shortest time possible." - Joe Vitale, Bestselling Author of "The Attractor Factor," and Featured Teacher in "The Secret" "Douglas Vermeeren is a great teacher and a visionary who is making a significant difference in the lives of people everywhere." - Dr. John Demartini, International Speaker, Leadership and Performance Specialist, and Featured Teacher in "The Secret"
- | Author: Douglas Vermeeren
- | Publisher: Babypie Publishing
- | Publication Date: Jan 07, 2018
- | Number of Pages: 154 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1945446420
- | ISBN-13: 9781945446429