The Sfpc Master Exam Prep - Learn Faster, Retain More, Pass The Exam (Security Clearances And Cleared Defense Contractors)

Red Bike Publishing
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The SFPC is the foundation or fundamental security certification for the DoD and agency security specialists. This master exam prep offers study preparation in the form of four tests of many questions from the source materials, DoD 5200.01 Versions 1-3. ?During the past few years I've been writing primarily about the certification opportunities with the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM). It was my area of experience and many security professionals were exploring the space and earning their certifications. These NISPOM based certifications included the Industrial Security Professional (ISP) and the Industrial Security Oversight Certification (ISOC). Both certifications were a great fit for the security professionals focused on NISPOM activities. I've assisted hundreds of certification candidates with books and training, mainly helping to build test taking confidence and reducing stress by providing realistic testing scenarios. For many, I helped resolve a common issue of testers running out of time before they ran out of test. The practice exams helped many complete the test sooner and with more accurate answers than those who were less prepared. During this time, the Department of Defense also implemented other certification opportunities. I began to receive requests for Security Fundamentals Professional Certification (SFPC) test preparation and thus began developing this study guide. My wish for you is the best of success as you use this guide to augment your studies. Be sure to dive right in with the practice questions. You will probably get a lot of answers wrong at first, but that should be expected; keep going. Review these questions time and again. Switch the order over and over. Set a clock and go through the questions, giving yourself no more than 1 minute per question. Then reduce that time. Train the way you will test, so that when test day comes, you will be prepared. In this book, you will see that I attempt to demonstrate the importance of not only becoming certified, but leveraging the prep time as well as the final certification to become more effective at your important task of developing security programs to protect classified information. You are already beginning the important process as you build networks, obtain professional and academic education, and find mentors. Credibility is the key to influence and learning from others in the industry helps you build confidence in your decisions and capabilities. I also provide ideas for those of you might be stove piped in your career to expand your experience with more tasks as outlined in DoD 5200.01 V1-3. Helpful hints increase experience and confidence and provide ideas for hands on training. You can also join our newsletter for updates, security awareness ideas, and NISPOM topics. Register for my education rich newsletter at https: //

  • | Author: Jeffrey W Bennett
  • | Publisher: Red Bike Publishing
  • | Publication Date: Aug 01, 2022
  • | Number of Pages: 224 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 1936800454
  • | ISBN-13: 9781936800452
Jeffrey W Bennett
Red Bike Publishing
Publication Date:
Aug 01, 2022
Number of pages:
224 pages