Tithing: Reviewing Scripture In Context: An Rs Teacher's Investigation Of Bible Evidence And Historical Sources

Greatness University Publishers
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A SEASONED THEOLOGIAN AND HISTORIAN INVESTIGATES ALL SCRIPTURE RELATING TO THE TITHE IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDERThis book analyses tithing in the context of Biblical scripture. Tithing is mentioned many times in the Bible and many theories have been developed over time especially concerning the need of giving a tenth of one's income in the New Testament Church. This subject has divided many people with a special focus on the Law and freewill giving. It is Karsten's intention to delve into scripture, commenting on the customs and cultures of the times they were written and the audiences they were meant to capture. Scripture is only useful if we rightly divide the word of truth, which is consequently only possible if we study ourselves approved (2 Timothy 2:15). Karsten summarises all the main points of the study of scripture and context, then finalises the findings in easy to navigate bullet points to form an overview, narrowing evidence into a systematic review. A clear picture of the subject arises, whereby you can determine your own conclusions regarding this topic. Here are some of the questions this book answers: -What is tithing?-Is tithing a pre-law eternal moral principle?-Who qualified to tithe in the Old Testament?-How many tithes were there?-When did the Law of the tithe effectively start?-Who qualified to receive the tithe?-Is tithing a type of tax?-Did the first Christians tithe?-What did the Apostle Paul teach in regard to New Covenant giving?-When and by whom was tithing first introduced to the Church?

  • | Author: Karsten Wille
  • | Publisher: Greatness University Publishers
  • | Publication Date: Sep 28, 2019
  • | Number of Pages: 182 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 1913164756
  • | ISBN-13: 9781913164751
Karsten Wille
Greatness University Publishers
Publication Date:
Sep 28, 2019
Number of pages:
182 pages