Grandparents have become more and more involved in the lives of their grandchildren yet their legal position is still vague and uncertain. This useful new guide sets out what remedies are available and what action grandparents can take should they become caught up in family breakup or disharmony. The author has represented and advised grandparents in both private and public law proceedings over many years. Topics covered include: Grandparents - the current position; Orders available to grandparents in private and public law proceedings; Permission to file applications for court orders; Acquisition of Parental Responsibility; Special Guardianship Orders; The cases of Re J (2002), Re A (2015) & Re C (2009). ABOUT THE AUTHOR Stuart Barlow is in the family team at Bhatia Best Solicitors. He has specialised in Family Law for over 40 years. His focus is now on representing Parents and other parties in Children Cases. He is a member of the Law Society Children Panel and Accredited Specialist with Resolution in Private Children and Cohabitation Law. He is the former Chief Assessor of the Law Society Family Law Panel and adjudicator for the Legal Aid Agency. He also spends part of his time presenting training courses for Family Lawyers throughout England and Wales.