Mind Training Games For Children: Training The Mind's Eye, And Developing The Observation, Develop The Sense Of Touch, Training The Ear, Training The Sense Of Sight, The Sense Of Taste And Smell - 9781805475279
Mind Training Games For Children: Training The Mind's Eye, And Developing The Observation, Develop The Sense Of Touch, Training The Ear, Training The Sense Of Sight, The Sense Of Taste And Smell - 9781805475279
Many requests from parents for a simple method of training children to think and remember have prompted this series of books on "Mind Training for Children." Play is the child's great objective and this is capitalized in the methods used in presenting this subject. There are over fifty interesting games and as many exercises, all of which are based upon scientific principles. These will not only interest and amuse the children, but will result in the development of their senses and faculties. This will lead naturally to the improvement of the memory. In the last book all this advancement is applied to the child's studies and school problems. Parents should read these books and use the ideas according to the ages of the children. Older children can read and apply the principles for themselves, but should be encouraged and guided by the parents. Here is a great boon to mothers who need assistance in entertaining the children in the house or out of doors. For rainy days and children's parties there is a never-ending source of pleasure and continual profit in these Mind Training Games. No equipment is required. All games and exercises are so planned that they are easily made of materials already in the home. The making of the games will interest the children for hours. Sense training is fundamental to profitable education. Memory is the storehouse of all knowledge-see that your child has a good one. You can give your children a wonderful advantage by playing these games with them. They have the indorsement of educators. They are scientific, but simple and "lots of fun."