Keeping Fit All The Way: How To Obtain And Maintain Health, Strength And Efficiency - 9781805474845

Exotic Publisher
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The number of men who "keep fit" in this country has been surprisingly few, while the number of those who have made good resolutions about keeping fit is astonishingly large. Reflection upon this fact has convinced the writer that the reason for this state of affairs lies partly in our inability to visualize the conditions and our failure to impress upon all men the necessity of physical exercise. Still more, however, does it rest upon our failure to make a scientific study of reducing all the variety of proposals to some standard of exceeding simplicity. Present systems have not produced results, no matter what the reason. Hence this book with its review of the situation and its final practical conclusions I believe that a nation should be made up of people who individually possess clean, strong bodies and pure minds; who have respect for their own rights and the rights of others and possess the courage and strength to redress wrongs; and, finally, in whom self-consciousness is sufficiently powerful to preserve these qualities. I believe in education, patriotism, justice, and loyalty. I believe in civil and religious liberty and in freedom of thought and speech. I believe in chivalry that protects the weak and preserves veneration and love for parents, and in the physical strength that makes that chivalry effective. I believe in that clear thinking and straight speaking which conquers envy, slander, and fear. I believe in the trilogy of faith, hope, and charity, and in the dignity of labor; finally, I believe that through these and education true democracy may come to the world.

  • | Author: Walter Camp
  • | Publisher: Exotic Publisher
  • | Publication Date: Sep 20, 2023
  • | Number of Pages: 130 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 1805474847
  • | ISBN-13: 9781805474845
Walter Camp
Exotic Publisher
Publication Date:
Sep 20, 2023
Number of pages:
130 pages