The Metis is a native community of Canada consisting of people born to the early French colonial officers and the Natives during the period of the ancient settlers. The Metis were excellent hunters and trappers and also played key role of translators between the Natives and the French colonizers. The promise of fortune in Canada due to its rich natural resources fascinated the European settlers in large numbers who occupied the lands of the Natives and limited them to the Reserves. The Metis build up a sense of pride and proclaimed themselves as a separate native community of Canada. The giving away of the lands to the European settlers by the colonizing companies led to the downfall of the Metis. They waged a war at Red River where they were defeated and thus they were pushed down to the lower level of the social structure and were subjected to racial discrimination. In 1982 the Canadian Constitution recognized them as a separate group of aborigines and granted them access to the aboriginal rights.