It's normal to have conflict in relationships. People are different, and their desires and needs will inevitably clash. Resolving disagreements in a healthy way creates understanding and brings couples closer together. The objective should be the betterment of the relationship. This is positive conflict. In this book "Conflict Resolution Relationships, Effective Communication For Couples" You Will Learn and Discover... 24 Tips For Conflict Resolution In Relationships 6 Important Conversation For Couples To Have 6 Ways To Deal With Gaslighting In A Relationship Dealing With Abuse In Relationship 7 Ways To Forgive You Partner 6 Ways On How To Make Your Partner Feel Loved 10 Ways To Attract Love 7 Signs You Have Found A Keeper 10 Signs To Leave A Relationship And so many more... Proven strategies to be in complete harmony with your partner. Let's Get You to Your Goals ASAP! Pick up your copy of the book right now by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page! To Your Success!