Past life regression therapy is built upon the idea that we're eternal beings that move from one life to another in different place and time. As perpetual spirits, we come across bodily existence on Earth in a series of persona and physical bodies.On a spiritual level, we choose every lifetime as a way to learn the lessons we've to head off for ourselves. Exploring our life in the past through a therapy for apparently inexplicable physical or mental issues is known as Past Life Regression Therapy. It works together with beliefs of reincarnation and takes us back in earlier life to get a better understanding of our life we live in the present and how we could end this cycle and look towards eternal rest of the soul.In this book, we will tell you everything you need to know about Past Life Regression and how you can even perform it on yourself without hypnosis and with the help of a capable tarot card reader. Also in this book you will find ways to determine and find the right tarot card reader for this cause