The Magdon Series, now forming a growing adventure novel series, was all born from the ORIGINS OF THE MAGDON series. This anthology brings together all five of the Origins novelettes in one fantastic edition. Complete with new elements and a chance to sample the first in the growing series of novels INTO THE DARK you can find where Archy's legacy began.Spanning adventures through the life of Archibald Barney Skevington we first join him at Hadrian's Wall in 1911 as a sixteen-year-old boy. An accidental discovery in a cave beneath Vercovicium at Bardon Mill sets Archy on a path that will change the course of his entire life. The accompanying stories chart key events in Archy's like that lead him to face a beast far beyond anything we have seen before.The five "episodes" are written as punchy, adventures that are perfect for sharing with children, reading while commuting or taking time out to escape the humdrum of everyday life. This anthology brings them together in one easy to access edition allowing you five adventures to transport your mind to a place of danger, intrigue and danger.Trust your imagination to the hands of Tobey Alexander and feel yourself thrust into a new world.Dare to walk along forgotten paths as they lead to a world of adventure.Book 1 "Vercovicium" takes place at Hadrian's Wall, Summer 1911. Archy is given the chance to spend his summer at the excavation of a Roman Fort called Vercovicium. One fateful day Archy stumbles across a buried tomb. Braving the dark Archy sets off in exploration and discovers a long forgotten part of history. The events of that summer open a new adventure to Archy that will change him forever.Book 2 "Valley Of The Kings" three years have passed since the events at Vercovicium. Archy has enrolled in studies at King's College London. One day a telegram arrives inviting Archy to attend the Valley Of The Kings in Egypt. Something has been found in the tomb of an ancient King, and Archy could hold the key to its origins. Fuelled by curiosity Archy embarks on his next step along the dark path in search of The Magdon.Book 3 "Valmiki Nagar" the adventure in search of The Magdon continues in the third in The Magdon Series. Archy's world is changing as his wife Lily expects their first child. However, as the birth draws nearer Archy receives a cryptic note from his old friend Mole. His friend is in mortal danger and calls for Archy's help having found a new path in their search. Answering the call, Archy packs his things and travels to India and embarks on a new journey of discovery and danger. Facing the opportunity to relive the past, experience and finally face a choice, to follow the path of discovery and understanding or else turn away to his family. With understanding comes a new realisation.Book 4 "Vatican Archives" takes place at The Vatican. There is something coming, the penultimate story in Archy's life. Vatican Archives finally brings Archy face-to-face with the monster that has haunted him since 1911 and his discovery at Vercovicium. The world Archy has come to accept is finally realised but not everything is as he expected. The events in the Vatican sets Archy on his final path and will be his deadliest adventure yet.Book 5 "The Journey Ahead" The final entry in the Origins Of The Magdon series. Every story that is told, must end. Archy must finally face the end of his journey. A life of chasing shadows and monsters will become his final test. His search brings him to the former mining town of Kimberley, South Africa. In a disused mine Archy will bring to an end hislife of adventure, but at what cost? The journey ahead is one that has cost him so much over the years.
- | Author: Tobey Alexander
- | Publisher: Independently Published
- | Publication Date: Feb 25, 2019
- | Number of Pages: 244 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1795755784
- | ISBN-13: 9781795755788