The heartbeat of God is that the whole world can be saved and for this passion that came from His Love, Jesus Christ came and paid the debt of sin, eternal condemnation and destruction that man could not pay. It is not because man did not care to be saved but man did not qualify to save himself except Jesus Christ. We cannot talk about discipleship without going back to the beginning which is the redemptive plan and purposes. Studying the steps that Jesus Christ took in his plans to redeem man, we discover that Jesus Christ knew the importance of discipleship throughout His earthly ministry that made Him to start with the making of disciples. Vision thrive when there are disciples to further and spread it beyond borders. Jesus Christ understood that if He raises true disciples that the gospel that He brought to mankind will reach other regions of the world with the help of His disciples. If we disciples are not raised, there will definitely be the challenge of transference of adequate knowledge, and power to the coming generations.And the Joy in the message of salvation is seen when disciples are made, and the disciples raise more disciples. The Church of Jesus Christ should invest more on raising true disciples and that is one major way of building a conquering Church.We should begin raising men for Christ rather than raising men for individual denominations and local churches