Credit Repair Book: Ex Credit Bureau Manager Reveals Credit Repair Secrets - 9781791784669

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There has never been a better time in the history of the world to fix credit. Due to a recent lawsuit 2019 will be a great year for credit repair.Credit Repair 20192019 Loophole LawsNewest Techniques2019 The Amazing National Consumer Assistance Plan (NCAP)2019 Disputing to Deletions They say one picture is worth one-thousand words. Well one video must be worth one million words. if you want a quick video of why my publication is the best click on my name "John Harris" directly above. It will take you to my Author page. There is a quick video that explains why I think you should purchase my publication.Look, can I talk to you privately for a second. You probably know right now your credit is not very good and you see derogatory items that are yours. Well let me tell you a little secret. When I wrote this publication, I already expected that. So, don't worry this publication covers removing derogatory accounts that are really yours. Also, don't worry this is done legally.SYSTEM COMES WITH DISPUTE LETTER SYSTEM PRO'S USEAre you saying right now DAM THOSE (Bleeping) CREDIT BUREAU'S? Are those Credit Bureaus stopping you from getting? AN APARTMENT: Sorry here is your damage deposit back your credit application was not approved but thanks for the $30.00 credit application fee.EMPLOYMENT: Sorry you are qualified, and we really liked your interview, but after seeing your credit report we will be going a different route.AUTOMOBILE: Well we did get you approved but unfortunately the down payment we talked about will be significantly more. Your monthly payment will also be $168 more a month. We understand that's not financially possible for you but if things change let us know. Thanks for coming in and help yourself to a cup of coffee on your way out. Look a good friend of mine is a divorce attorney. He knows what I do so whenever we get together the subject always seems to go to credit. He told me he's shocked at how much "spouse has bad credit" comes up during a divorce. He says it's always an issue woman have. We have deducted that woman love to nest. They want security (I guess we didn't have to be rocket scientists to figure that out). So anyway, STOP RIGHT NOW AND SCROLL TO THE TOP OF THE PAGE AND BUY THIS PUBLICATION SO WE CAN GET STARTED. Is that being forward enough? Seriously we are talking about the cost of a cup of Starbucks coffee. So, if you are still here you might need some more convincing, I guess. Good for you... due diligence. My name is John D. Harris I could go on and on here about my experience working as a credit bureau manager, but I won't bore you with all the details. THIS REALLY IS NOT ABOUT ME ANYWAYS. IT'S ABOUT YOU AND YOUR CREDIT. Even though your credit affects your whole life experience you probably know very little about real credit repair. Most of the books I have read online about credit repair are out of date. Or the authors don't really know about credit repair. Let's face it all our lives are on a clock that is always ticking. Tick Tock Tick Tock. THIS IS NOT A PRACTICE RUN. This is your one life. Every day with bad credit is a day you are not experiencing your full life experience.People respect you because, you can get things done, you have access to CREDIT. My bet is that you know more about cooking a turkey, changing your oil, what's on Netflix, Geography, Donald Trump, Words of a different language, Facebook, etc. THAN YOU DO ABOUT REAL CREDIT REPAIR. I guarantee you can have good creditPS: I am a real person. This is really my PublicationPSS: You can have great credit just listen to me. Is that blunt enough for you. Purchase the publication.

  • | Author: John Harris
  • | Publisher: Independently published
  • | Publication Date: Dec 17, 2018
  • | Number of Pages: 192 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 1791784666
  • | ISBN-13: 9781791784669
John Harris
Independently published
Publication Date:
Dec 17, 2018
Number of pages:
192 pages