This magical treatise furnishes a high-powered codex of modern sorcery and allows you to excel farther and faster than ever. I have masterfully dissected magick through a scientific lens for over a decade to unlock the secret formula behind its hidden, life-changing forces. From traditions like Hermeticism and Thelema, to paths like Black Magick and Norse Sorcery, this grimoire provides a key that opens the door to infinite power. Table of Contents - Dedication - Asbjorn Torvol p.5 - Foreword - Edgar Kerval p.7 - Introduction p.11 Ch. 1 - What Is Magick?- p.13 Ch. 2 - All Is Mind - p.19 Ch. 3 - The Individual - p.31 Ch. 4 - Correspondence - p.37 Ch. 5 - Vibration - p.43 Ch. 6 - Energy Work - p.57 Ch. 7 - Ceremony - p.67 Ch. 8 - Balance - p.73 Ch. 9 - The Other Laws - p.85 Ch. 10 - Closing - p.93 - Asbjorn Torvol - p.95 - Become A Living God - p.99