What do Moses, Job and Solomon have in common? Beside their wisdom and faith, they had very little to say, if anything, about life after death. Moses is revered across the major world religions. Some think of him as a law-give, a courageous leader, a theologian or a deliverer, but more than anything else, he is known as one who is always communicating with God. That is why discussing the prayer of Moses requires a bit of contextualizing. The question most likely to be asked would be, "Which of his prayers?" Here, Moses is treated as a poet, whose poem is a prayer, over-laid with dark moments. The lessons learned from it, however, are of inestimable value to all believers and curious seekers. Many of the questions we have asked and would have like to ask, have found their way in some of the themes discussed. Maybe you have contemplated the nature of God, or whether God has emotions. What about death, does it terrify you? Can a person die before their time? Is there Grace in the Old Testament or is it just a New Testament concept? There is just so much to learn.
- | Author: Dave A. Blake
- | Publisher: Tellwell Talent
- | Publication Date: May 17, 2018
- | Number of Pages: 212 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1773706543
- | ISBN-13: 9781773706542