Paperback Retail: $15.99.....NOW ON SALE: 12.98 - What to expect after death- Assure desired results - Topics:1. Chapter 1 - Why Does Man Need to be Saved? A. "The First Death" vs. "The Second Death" B. Original Sin/Man's Fall/God's Saving Grace C. Satan's Fall From Heaven To Earth D. The Gap Theory - Between Gen 1:1-Gen 1:2 E. Satan's Temptations F. How Did Eve React to Satan's Temptation? G. Adam and Eve Become Ashamed H. Judgment of Adam, Eve, & Serpent - Sin Penalty I. Atonement or Covering of Man's Sin J. Theology - Christian Soteriology K. Salvation - Restoration - Deliverance - Deliverance - Atonement - Redemption - Regeneration - Reconciliation L. Initial, Progressive, and Final Salvation Rapture-Resurrection2. Chapter 2 - Salvation in Biblical Scripture3. Chapter 3 - Afterlife Locations A. Sheol, Hades, Abrahams Bosom, The Pit, & The Grave B. Gehenna and Hell C. Tartarus D. The Abyss, Chasma, and Paradise E. Damnation and The Lake of Fire F. Paradise vs the Heaven(s)4. Chapter 4 - Redemption of Mankind A. Redemption in the Greek B. Our Faith is Redeeming C. Covenant Theology= Redemption-Works-Grace5. Chapter 5 - God's Benevolent Grace A. How the Bible Describes God's Grace6. Chapter 6 - The Necessity of Faith A. Faith is Needed for Salvation B. Faith and The Road to Salvation7. Chapter 7 - Justification A. Justification Differs From Sanctification B. Justification Through Christ C. Justification Conditions D. The Calling and Path To Salvation E. Once You Have Answered God's Call, Is Water Baptism Required for Salvation? F. Example of How to Lead Someone to Christ G. Path to Salvation Synopsis8. Chapter 8 - Election and Eternal Life A. Public Types of Speaking in Tongues B. Private Types of Speaking in Tongues9. Chapter 9 - Are Any Predestined? The Elect A. Jew, Israelite, Judaism, Rabbinic Judaism, Orthodox/Hasidic Judaism, Messianic Judaism, Conservative Judaism, Reconstructionist Judaism, & Reformed Judaism B. Rom. 11:26 - "All Israel Shall Be Saved" C. Does "All Israel" Include "All Zionist"? D. Salvation of God's Chosen People10. Chapter 10 - God's Foreknowledge11. Chapter 11 - Adoption Into God's Family12. Chapter 12 - Doctrine of Regeneration13. Chapter 13 - Expiation and Propitiation14. Chapter 14 - The Sanctification Process15. Chapter 15 - Glorification of the Believers16. Chapter 16 - Preservation: Security vs. Apostasy A. Once Saved - Always Saved B. Blaspheme & Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit17. Chapter 17 - Salvation Generates Holiness A. Why Did Jesus Come From Heaven to Earth? B.What Is Needed For Eternal Salvation? Grace - Faith Omnipotence - Omniscience - Omnipresence C.If Salvation Is A Gift, Can It Be Retrieved? D.Assurance of Our Salvation E.How Do We Increase Assurance of Our Salvation?18. Chapter 18 - Christian Spiritual Growth19. Chapter 19 - Whole Armor of God - Prayer Types20. Chapter 20 - Ways to Evaluate Spiritual Growth21. Chapter 21 - Does Sin Prevent Salvation? A. Damnation and the "Mark of the Beast" B. Altering God's Word and Eternal Damnation22. Chapter 22 - "The Bema Seat Judgment" (The Judgment Seat of Christ) vs. "The Great White Throne Judgment" A. At the Rapture, Do the LIVING Believers Die? B. Meaning of "The Bema Seat Judgment" or "The Judgment Seat of Christ" C. Types of "The Bema Seat Judgment" Rewards D. Believer's Crowns and Their Significance E. The Great White Throne Judgment23. Chapter 23 - Terminus Facts24. About the Author & Acknowledgements
- | Author: P R Froe, PH D
- | Publisher: Dr. P. R. Froe
- | Publication Date: Dec 09, 2018
- | Number of Pages: 231 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1732778604
- | ISBN-13: 9781732778603