The Duality of Being details my life and the convoluted journey I made into higher realms of consciousness through my out-of-body travels. In this book, I will share with you the perspectives Ive gained that have improved my quality of life, decisions, and relationships. Each of us has the innate ability to separate our life energy from our physical body and travel into faraway dimensions. Many who have experienced multidimensional travel have had a near-death experience that led to this life-changing phenomenon. Others, like myself, have for many years traveled spontaneously into distant realms and this book details the many discoveries. Though this type of energetic travel cannot be measured or assessed with current scientific tools, it is as real an experience as traveling by airplane to visit coveted locations around the world. If my experience is any indication, multidimensional travel is available to us all and offers us a gateway into higher or expanded levels of consciousness. True consciousness comes from the expanded awareness that you are infinitely more than your physical body and that reality is a concept far beyond our physical world.