Operations Specifications (US Federal Aviation Administration Regulation) (FAA) (2018 Edition) The Law Library presents the complete text of the Operations Specifications (US Federal Aviation Administration Regulation) (FAA) (2018 Edition). Updated as of May 29, 2018 This proposed rule would clarify and standardize the rules for applications by foreign air carriers and foreign persons for operations specifications and establish new standards for amendment, suspension or termination of those operations specifications. The proposed rule would also apply to foreign persons operating U.S.-registered aircraft in common carriage solely outside the United States. This action is necessary to update the process for issuing operations specifications, and it will establish a regulatory basis for current practices, such as amending, terminating or suspending operations specifications. This book contains: - The complete text of the Operations Specifications (US Federal Aviation Administration Regulation) (FAA) (2018 Edition) - A table of contents with the page number of each section