Julia, was a 1968 sitcom played by Diahann Carroll that depicted a Black woman in a non-stereotypical role, which was unheard of by both mainstream and the Black community. She was a single Black mother raising a son, yet surviving and debunking the societal attitudes of single Black mothers. This story is also a non-stereotypical role of all of the Julia's in America who struggle, yet they persevere while showing the world that they are not the mules of the world, but survivors overcoming many obstacles that mainstream thought that these Black mothers could not overcome.
- | Author: Sheilah Kimble
- | Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
- | Publication Date: Sep 10, 2018
- | Number of Pages: 324 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1727214951
- | ISBN-13: 9781727214956