Change is a constant part of life. The way you look at it can be determined by what kind of mindset you have in a particular area in your life. Most mindsets fall into two types of categories: a fixed mindset and an open mindset. You can have either one in different areas of your life. In this book you will discover how these types of mindsets can affect the way you respond and view different things in your life. You will also find why you may be experiencing hindrances or hitting a wall in your walk with God and how changing these thought patterns can bring spiritual growth. The Word of God teaches us that we should be transformed by the renewing of our mind. In the contents of this book I will explain how this change affects your life and how to apply it. Whether you are looking for transformation for yourself or how to handle different mindsets in people you are ministering to, you will find explanations that will be helpful in both areas. You can experience these changes by applying its principles of thought patterns in everyday living as a child of God; following Him with a healthy, open mindset.