Ketogenic Diet: The Easy Ketogenic Diet 7 K?? Strategies - Your Ultimate Guide to Shed Weight and Heal Your Body - Plus 7 K?? Strategies of Low-Carb ... for Busy People on Keto Diet (Healthy Eating)
Independently published
The Easy Ketogenic Diet 7 K?? Strategies: Your Ultimate Guide to Shed Weight and Heal Your Body+ 7 K?? Strategies of Low-Carb, High-Fat Recipes for Busy People on Keto Diet Have you struggled with resistant weight loss or weight maintenance This book gives you the step by step game plan For Achieving Rapid Weight Loss On A Budget ** Get this book by Amazon Best Selling Author Dr. M Kotb ** The Diet Th?t D??tr??? C?n??r Tr?d?t??n?l Cultur?? and K?t?n? U??g? C?n??r ?nd Glu???? M?t?b?l??m F??d?ng C?n??r ?r Starving It Fasting and C?n??r Pr?v?nt??n Cancer Killing M??l Plans Optimal H?rm?n? S?n??t?v?t? H?w Ar? K?t?n?? Formed M???ur?ng K?t?n? Levels Th? K?t?g?n?? Nutrition Plan M??r?nutr??nt P?r??nt?g?? Meal Pl?nn?ng on a KetoGenic D??t Wh?t D? You E?t F?r Br??kf??t? How Ab?ut S?m? R??l S?l?d F??d?? H?w Ab?ut Lunch? What's For Dinner? Th? K?t? D??t and Oxidative Str??? Protein S??r?ng & H??lth? Muscle T???u? Practical Considerations 5 R????n? t? U?? MCT O?l f?r K?t???? What are Ketones K?t?n?? as a Preferred Fu?l For the Br??n N?tur?l S?ur??? of MCTs C??r??? A??d C??r?l?? Acid C??r?? Acid Lauric Acid 1. MCTs Lower Bl??d Sugar 2. In?r????d Nutr??nt Absorption 3. N?tur?l Ant?-C?nvul??v? 4. Improved Athl?t?? P?rf?rm?n?? 5. A???t?t? C?ntr?l and W??ght Loss Pr?bl?m? W?th MCT Consumption H?w To U?? MCT O?l Intr?du??ng U?gr?d?d XCT O?l 1. How to St?? Hydrated 2. How to Pr??t??? Int?rm?tt?nt F??t?ng 3. How to Consume En?ugh Good Salts 4. How to G?t R?gul?r Ex?r???? 5. How to Im?r?v? Y?ur B?w?l M?t?l?t? 6. D?n't E?t Too Mu?h Pr?t??n 7. How to Choose Carbs W???l? 8. How to U?? MCT O?l Wh?n?v?r P????bl? 9. How to Keep Str??? D?wn How to Im?r?v? Y?ur Sl??? G?llbl?dd?r and Liver I??u?? C?mm?n S?m?t?m? How to use the 7 K?? Strategies: 1.) .............. 2.)............... 3.) .............. 4.) ...........................................................................VERY IMPORTANT 5.) ............... 6.).................. 7.) ................ M?k? Your B?rb??u? Healthy H?gh H??t Grilling ?nd Carcinogenic Chemicals L?w Temp C??k?ng and Ant?-Ox?d?nt? H??lth? BBQ T??? helpful h?rb?, f??d? and supplements t? ??h??v? ?t?bl? k?t???? 5 W??? to M???ur? Y?ur Ketones Extra K?t? Ad??t?t??n T??? Where K?t???? Can Be Extremely Beneficial Wh?n Not To B? ?n a Ketogenic Diet In?ul?n, Leptin ?nd Female H?rm?n?? Pr?gn?n?? ?nd Breast Feeding Ch?ldr?n ?nd T??n?g?r? Irr?gul?r M?n?tru?l C??l?? Adr?n?l Fatigue Poor Thyroid Fun?t??n High L?v?l Athl?t?? Cyclic Ketosis ?nd Carb-Back Loading Dr kotb Favorite Carbohydrate S?ur??? Win This Book Today
- | Author: Dr Kotb
- | Publisher: Independently published
- | Publication Date: Sep 27, 2018
- | Number of Pages: 162 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1724086154
- | ISBN-13: 9781724086150
- Author:
- Dr Kotb
- Publisher:
- Independently published
- Publication Date:
- Sep 27, 2018
- Number of pages:
- 162 pages
- Language:
- English
- Binding:
- Paperback
- ISBN-10:
- 1724086154
- ISBN-13:
- 9781724086150