Learn Faster, Study Smarter, Remember More, and Make School Easier. Imagine having the confidence you can learn anything - any subject and any concept - quickly and easily. Getting up early and going to school does not have to be a drag. With the right know how and methods your learning can be more memorable and school more enjoyable. You don't have to spend long hours studying for tests. You just have to learn how to study smarter. First, you must understand the tools you have at your disposal - your brain and how it works. This will give you the power to start making decisions that help you get the most out of your brain. The second ingredient that will help you crush it in school is skills. Specifically, understanding and consistently using a variety of effective learning microskills is what will help you reach the level at which you can learn anything teachers throw at you. And because you will learn smarter you will learn things faster, understand them better, and remember them longer. How open-minded are you about increasing your school performance? To know how to study smart, learn things faster, and improve your school success, you will have to learn many of the microskills - the learning strategies that work - on your own. The good news is the strategies are common sense. The bad news? They're not commonly taught in schools. Luckily, there's more good news. You can learn what it takes in 25 hours or less. YOU COULD DO THIS IN LESS THAN A MONTH WORKING JUST 1 HOUR A DAY. The Crush School Student Guide will show you how to: Learn how to plan, prioritize, focus, change habits, read faster, and use your brain efficiently. Learn how your brain absorbs information and apply strategies that use it effectively. Learn memory techniques not taught in school (Visual, Association, Memory Palace etc.). Learn to do well on tests, make better presentations, and complete all school projects. How would you feel knowing you can crush any school and future work challenge? It is possible if you understand how your brain learns effectively and you use strategies that help you learn the smarter, more efficient way. There are 2 types of people - those who leave their kid's futures in the hands of schools and those who realize that to be successful, their kids need to acquire skills that prepare them for anything the future throws at them. Make possibility into reality. The Crush School Student Guide will show you how.
- | Author: Oskar Cymerman
- | Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
- | Publication Date: Jul 12, 2018
- | Number of Pages: 200 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1722826215
- | ISBN-13: 9781722826215