Everyone has to start somewhere in the business of making money with money. You must have the right information from the very first day if you want to become successful in this business. You don't need to know everything all at one time nor could you, and you certainly don't have to learn how to trade every asset class there is, you don't need to become an expert in every conceivable aspect of trading. You should concentrate on becoming a specialist versus being a generalist. Smart Trader Rich Trader fast track your long learning curve so you can begin making lots of money right away. If you want to make money right away from your new investing and trading business this short book can expedite the amount of time it takes and enables you to make money - right away. The information in Smart Trader Rich Trader has been written to save time and money for a brand new self-directed investor and trader, so they don't waste a lot of either when they are first starting out and don't know what to do. When first starting off in the investing and trading business new people make a lot of mistakes which can cost them a lot of money and this book has some tips and techniques to help the new investor and trader reduce those costly errors. Smart Trader Rich Trader affords readers who may be brand new to trading and investing the opportunity to really learn and expand their knowledge base as new traders. This book should be a must read for beginner and inexperienced traders looking to build on their foundations and strategies. By knowing what to study from the start you can greatly reduce the huge learning curve there is in this business to be able to make money in the live markets on a consistent daily basis right away. Smart Trader Rich Trader cuts right to the core and lays out a progressive foundation of principles on which you can begin trading the financial markets for high profit as long as you have done the education and training the right way from the first day. This book will start any brand new investor, swing trader or position trader the right way to begin driving their money train down the right tracks directly to the bank.
- | Author: Josef Argent
- | Publisher: Independently Published
- | Publication Date: Jul 26, 2018
- | Number of Pages: 133 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 171792185X
- | ISBN-13: 9781717921857