Called To Real Ministry: A True Account Of The Work Behind The Pulpit is the story of this author's journey through the good the bad and the not so good process of leading a church. The struggles that are faced, the victories that are won is all designed to show how God is with you every step of the way on your life's journey. Pastoring a church can be rewarding and it can hurt but in it all God is the strength of your heart. Follow along as the author takes you to each church he has pastored and see how even though man in many cases tries to thwart the work of God that God always wins. Lives are changed, marriages are healed miracles happen. Learn the lessons of trusting God and rejoice with the author has God receives glory for the work done. Whether you are called to ministry as a pastor, evangelist, teacher or as a person called to follow Christ, you will see the unmistakable hand of the Lord working on your behalf. The summation to this read will take you to the similarities in the life of Asaph in Psalm 73: and the life of a Christian serving in whatever capacity they are in. God has done and will do a great thing. Enjoy.