For "Single State" Lottery Players, this calendar-based lottery prediction book features 27 monthly combinations for Pick 3, together with "double" combinations to focus on throughout each month of the year. For "All-State" Pick 3 Players, you get our premium 9-N-Play combinations, and our premium 5-N-Play combinations to target each month for your online games. Having just five (5) or nine (9) combinations to consider is the best way to go when you are playing multiple states online. Since we will not be publishing the Cash 4 companion booklet in 2020, we still wanted you to have some hot Cash 4 lottery predictions for you online games. So, we added our premium 5 N Play combinations for the Cash 4 lottery games to the mix. These are designed for "all-state" online players to maximize winning possibilities with as few as five (5) potent calendar-based combinations to choose from each month. Here's what's included in our new 2020 Monthly Lottery Predictions Combo edition for Pick 3 Cash 4: -Pick 3 Single State Players get 27 combinations to focus on throughout the month, some complementary double combinations to focus on, and an optional 9 N Play and 5 N Play list of combinations to narrow your odds of winning from a 1:1000 chance to about 1:41 odds with the help of our 999 special calendar sauce!-Pick 3 All-State players get our Premium 5-N-Play and 9-N-Play list of combinations for multistate plays- Pick 4 All-State players get our 5-N-Play Premium combinations, plus bonus hot "double" combinations to focus on in multi-states online games. These calendar-based lottery predictions are calculated for each month from January to December 2020. All-state online players will enjoy the Five N Play bonus for both Pick 3 and Cash 4 games from our premium collection. These five (5) combinations - which are now included in this book -- were previously only available through our 999-Players Club membership service (i.e. you now only pay once for the full twelve months of premium combinations when you pick up this publication!) That makes this compilation of SBIP999's calendar-based lottery predictions a must-have for any "all states" Pick 3 and Cash 4 Online Lottery Player. And what about our single state players? Our calendar-based predictions and this publication have consistently ranked in our top two 999 publications for the past five years. Why? Because calendar-based predictions are the best predictive tool for the Pick 3 and Cash 4 lottery games in all-state games. Take 33% off when you order by 3before 2020!
- | Author: Ama Maynu, 999 Book Of Numbers
- | Publisher: Independently published
- | Publication Date: Dec 10, 2019
- | Number of Pages: 44 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1709643277
- | ISBN-13: 9781709643279