Discover Simple Strategies To Manage Your Anxiety With Ease! Have you ever felt that: You are extremely stressed by certain aspects of your job such as networking, public speaking, or being judged by your manager? Your personal relationships suffer because you avoid social situations? Everyday activities like shopping feel much scarier and more stressful than they should be? If you've answered at least one question with "yes", this book is exactly what you need! Social anxiety can range from manageable discomfort in social situations to actual panic attacks. Even in milder forms, it can harm relationships with loved ones and make you miss amazing career opportunities. Fortunately, you aren't left alone to suffer: there are many ways of managing social anxiety, from reading self-help books to taking medication. Of course, always start with reading a good self-help book such as this one. Tiffany White offers a clear blueprint that will guide you towards a happier, more socially active life. In her book, you'll find step-to-step guides to managing stressful situations and building healthy lifestyle habits that have been proven to reduce anxiety. Here's exactly what you'll find in the Social Anxiety Workbook: How to know whether your social anxiety needs specialist treatment or can be treated with natural remedies, lifestyle changes, and self-help techniques Essential techniques to manage anxiety, such as breathing, visualizations, and physical activity How to prevent social anxiety by crafting a less stressful, healthier lifestyle and developing your social skills How to apply the techniques of CBT (a type of psychotherapy) without necessarily having to go to a professional therapist And much, much more! DISCLAIMER: This book is also available on Audible, as an audiobook! In short, you're just one click away from a happier, less anxious life! Scroll up, click on "Buy Now with 1-Click", and Get Your Copy Now!
- | Author: Tiffany White
- | Publisher: Independently Published
- | Publication Date: November 20, 2019
- | Number of Pages: 221 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1709616830
- | ISBN-13: 9781709616839