The Second Coming of Jesus Christ will be the most spectacular event in human history! In God's Endgame for Planet Earth, the events which precede, accompany, and come after the Second Coming are thoroughly examined in easy to understand plain language. Learn what the Bible actually says about the end-time events. Who are the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and the Kings from the East? Who are the Two Witnesses and the 144,000? What happens during the Great Tribulation? When does the Rapture happen? In the aftermath of the Battle of Armageddon, Jesus returns as the "Warrior Messiah" to rule the nations for 1,000 years. Jesus finds a world which has been devastated by war, famine, and disease -- in utter economic and environmental chaos. He literally returns to save mankind from extinction, and will rule by force to end war, injustice, and poverty. But the nations ultimately reject Christ's rule, and wage war against Him in the infamous Battle of Gog and Magog. So, is the Millennium really a time of peace and prosperity predicted by so many? What really happens during the Millennium? What is the purpose of the Millennium? And do God's people really spend eternity in Heaven, or do they spend eternity on earth in New Jerusalem as the book of Revelation predicts? CONTENTS Chapter 1: The Greatest Event in Human History! Chapter 2: God's Plan To End Evil, Pain, & Suffering Chapter 3: The Origin of Satan Chapter 4: The Afterlife Chapter 5: The Afterlife: Sheol Chapter 6: The Afterlife: Abaddon Chapter 7: The Afterlife: Hades Chapter 8: The Afterlife: The Abyss Chapter 9: The Afterlife: Tartarus Chapter 10: The Afterlife: Gehenna Chapter 11: The Afterlife: The Lake of Fire Chapter 12: The Afterlife: Abraham's Bosom Chapter 13: The Afterlife: The Royal Palace & The Dungeon Chapter 14: First, the Antichrist. Then, the Rapture. Last, God's Wrath Chapter 16: "The Tribulation, the Great One": The Wrath of Satan Chapter 16: The Abomination That Causes Desolation Chapter 17: The Infamy of the Antichrist Chapter 18: The 144.000 & The Two Witnesses Chapter 19: Rise of the Antichrist Chapter 20: Empire of the Antichrist Chapter 21: The 8th King: The Angel of the Abyss Chapter 22: The Myth of the Assassinated Antichrist Chapter 23: Rise of the False Prophet Chapter 24: The Scheme of the False Prophet Chapter 25: The Seal of God & the Mark of the Beast Chapter 26: The Warrior Messiah & Armageddon Chapter 27: The First Resurrection Chapter 28: The Mystery of the Millennium Chapter 29: Martyrs & Mortals: Living Together on Planet Earth Chapter 30: The Purpose of the Millennium Chapter 31: The Battle of Gog & Magog Chapter 32: The "Last Day" Resurrection Chapter 33: New Jerusalem: The Eternal City of God Appendix A: Read the Bible Well Appendix B: Beware of Vested Interests Appendix C: To Read Literally, or Not To Read Literally: That Is the Question! Appendix D: Apocalypses Thrived in the Biblical World Appendix E: The Folly of the Newspaper Approach Appendix F: Old Testament Echoes In Revelation Appendix G: Characteristics of Apocalypses Appendix H: 3 Keys to Unlock Revelation Index
- | Author: Derek Mailhiot
- | Publisher: Independently published
- | Publication Date: December 02, 2019
- | Number of Pages: 366 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1709033142
- | ISBN-13: 9781709033148