Have you ever found yourself in a wilderness experience in your personal life? Have you ever experienced an identity crisis? Have you ever tried to move or get in alignment with what God says about you through the Bible, while also battling the opinions you had accepted as facts? Has a dysfunctional situation ever been your norm? If you can answer yes to any or all of these questions, then I would say that you have more in common with the Israelite's than you mayhave realized. I certainly did. I invite you to join me as we do an in-depth study of the Book of Exodus. It is the second of five books that God inspired Moses to write. Some people call this collection of books the "Pentateuch" which simply means five books. The first five books are also referred to as the Mosaic Law. This book has chapter summaries, vocabulary words, memory verses, discussion questions, reflections from the author as well as prayers. All designed to help you grow in your personal relationship with our Heavenly Father.