Understanding Your Credit Before It Becomes A Wash! : Learn About Your Credit And How You Can Fix It.
Independently published
W? h??r th? w?rd credit u??d often wh?n it comes to m?n?? ?nd ??r??n?l fin?n??, but wh?t exactly i? credit?Cr?dit can b? simply d?fin?d ?? ?n agreement b?tw??n a borrower ?nd l?nd?r, in which th? l?nd?r will provide a given ?m?unt ?f money t? the b?rr?w?r, which i? u?u?ll? ??id b??k with interest. Thi? m?n?? b?rr?w?d can b? u??d for goods ?r services, ?????i?ll? emergency situations. There ?r? diff?r?nt types ?f ?r?dit kn?wn ?? r?v?lving credit, ?h?rg? credit ??rd?, service credit, ?nd installment credit.
- | Author: Derrick Fraser
- | Publisher: Independently Published
- | Publication Date: Nov 08, 2019
- | Number of Pages: 30 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1701411326
- | ISBN-13: 9781701411326
- Author:
- Derrick Fraser
- Publisher:
- Independently Published
- Publication Date:
- Nov 08, 2019
- Number of pages:
- 30 pages
- Language:
- English
- Binding:
- Paperback
- ISBN-10:
- 1701411326
- ISBN-13:
- 9781701411326