Tasseography Coffee Ground and Tea Leaf Fortune Telling: Lexicon with over 700 Symbols of Fortune telling and reading Coffee grounds and Tea Leaves. Magic for Beginners 2 - Grimoire de Diamant Blanc
Tasseography Coffee Ground and Tea Leaf Fortune Telling: Lexicon with over 700 Symbols of Fortune telling and reading Coffee grounds and Tea Leaves. Magic for Beginners 2 - Grimoire de Diamant Blanc
Tasseography: Reading coffee grounds and Tea leaf is Nik W. D. Goodman's second work in his book series "Magic for Beginners - Grimoire de Diamant Blanc". Two very common methods of fortune-telling are reading coffee grounds or tea leaves. People have always been fascinated by the idea of making predictions and prognoses for the future. And cupography is a relatively easy method to learn.Goodman describes in his book very practice-oriented and descriptive with many pictures the correct preparation of a Mocha to the coffee grounds reading and step by step, how this is interpreted. What do you have to bear in mind during the reading? Which position of the symbols gives you information about what? How do you prepare yourself mentally? You will find exciting and well-founded answers to all these questions in this book. And the very comprehensive Lexicon with over 700 symbols makes "TASSEOGRAPHY: Coffee Ground and Tea Leaf Fortune Telling" a comprehensive basic work about a fascinating segment of fortune-telling.Written byNik W. D. Goodman