When you think about following a diet, you may think of depriving you of your favorite foods, Have you ever imagined that you eat all kinds of food and do not follow the strict rules of dieting, yet you lose weight and improve your health?I was reading about the diet of luqamiat in the past few months and I was really excited to experienced it. However, I could not find any sources concerning the diet plan or how the diet work out. So that, I have decided to take the challenge and do lot of researchers in order to clarify the notion of luqaimat's diet to many people who are interested in losing weight. The main reason that drove me to write this book is to share my experience and show the world that this diet helped me to lose weight successfully. I would like to mention that weight loss is not my only reason that pushes me to share my own experience, but writing this book has been basically to let people know the advantages of this diet which I am going to state later on.