St?nd?rd American d??t? (???r??r??t?l? ??ll?d SAD) ?r? never t?ut?d ?? ?x?m?l?r?, but wh?n t?lk?ng about ?nfl?mm?t??n, it becomes v?t?ll? important t? r?th?nk our t?????l d??t?. A? a report fr?m th? N?t??n?l In?t?tut? of Allergies and Infectious D??????? r???rt?d: While today's m?d?rn diet m?? ?r?v?d? beneficial ?r?t??t??n from micro- ?nd m??r?nutr??nt d?f????n????, our ?v?r abundance ?f calories and th? m??r?nutr??nt? th?t ??m???? ?ur diet may ?ll lead to increased ?nfl?mm?t??n, reduced control ?f ?nf??t??n, ?n?r????d r?t?? ?f ??n??r, ?nd increased risk for ?ll?rg?? ?nd auto-inflammatory disease. T? m?v? t?w?rd an ?nt?-?nfl?mm?t?r? d??t ?nd anti-inflammatory f??d?, w? ?r?m?r?l? move away from th? ?bund?n?? ?f ?v?rl? ?r??????d, unbalanced diets of the West ?nd t?w?rd th? ?n???nt ??t?ng ??tt?rn? of th? M?d?t?rr?n??n. A M?d?t?rr?n??n d??t ??m?r???? ?l?nt? ?f fresh fru?t? ?nd vegetables, l?ttl? t? n? red m??t, ??rt??nl? no chemicals or m??t additives, and ?n abundance ?f ?m?g?-3 foods. As w? look into the anti-inflammatory ??m??n?nt? of ??rt??n foods ?nd h?rb?, we ??n ??? h?w th?? k?nd of diet is linked w?th l?w?r?d ?nfl?mm?t??n. Among th? many compounds f?und in fr??h ?r?du??, a few g?n?r?l ??t?g?r??? stand out as b?n?f????l when ?tt??k?ng ?nfl?mm?t??n ?nd ?nfl?mm?t?r? d??????? at th??r ??ur??.
- | Author: Riley Money
- | Publisher: Independently published
- | Publication Date: October 8, 2019
- | Number of Pages: 75 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1698435304
- | ISBN-13: 9781698435305