Bully In The First Degree

Independently published
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This book of fiction tells a story of a preteen, Sabrina Blackwell, who is a 7th-grade student bullied by her classmate, Kikka VonKeppel. The book begins with the introduction of Sabrina Blackwell and how she is a popular in school and is liked by all her classmates except one, and her name was Kikka VonKeppel. It also describes Kikka VonKeppel, as the bully in this story. She is taller and bigger than most kids her age. Sabrina could not understand why Kikka VonKeppel has become a distant stranger but has noticed that Kikka has begun to change in her appearance rapidly. Before Kikka became the dark stranger, she and Sabrina used to be good friends, but then a turn of events happened, and Kikka VonKeppel became mean as a rattlesnake. Sabrina observed that Kikka started skipping school and was not in classes in several weeks. Sabrina knew something was going on with Kikka. It was at this point that the transformation from classmate to a stranger had taken place. The most mysterious stranger that Sabrina had ever encountered in her young life. Margie Abrams and Katherine Browning were both Jewish-American girls and were Sabrina's closest friends at school and in the neighborhood. One day, in October, as Sabrina jumped rope on the school playground, she was pushed to the ground. Then the girls witnessed Kikka kick at Sabrina repeatedly. Margie and Katherine, looked at each other in total amazement as Margie and Katherine rushed to helped Sabrina up from the ground. Sabrina shed a few tears and told Kikka to leave her alone. Before Sabrina could get up from the ground, Kikka for the third time kicked at Sabrina and continuously laughed and said, "What a wimp, you cry over everything." One day as Sabrina tried to approach Kikka to speak with her in the gym room, WHAM!!! Sabrina got slapped. That was the beginning of the bully effect and Sabrina was victim to constant malicious attacks from Kikka VonKeppel. On one particular day, Kikka VonKeppel gets a taste of her own medicine. In a scene that puts the town of Caldwell on the map and will have everyone talking. Through tribulations and a series of twist, the small city of Caldwell will uncover the dark secret of bullying and to the degree that it sends the town into maximum overdrive. In the end, the town of Caldwell will never be placed on the list as an unknown town or referred to as "Sleepy Hollow" place. Instead, it will be known for its slogan that originated from the events that took place in the year of October 2016. The President of the United States would visit the small town. It would be known as the town that started a crusade all across neighboring towns. A tee shirt and logo bore the name of Caldwell and the slogan Be Bullish on Bullying (Be Bullish on Bullying). The city of Caldwell will stand out as a force that instituted a movement known as the smallest city that ascended from the hidden brushes and trees and its recognition to bring bullying to the forefront.

  • | Author: Jeanette Cepeda
  • | Publisher: Independently published
  • | Publication Date: Sep 27, 2019
  • | Number of Pages: 140 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 1695895134
  • | ISBN-13: 9781695895133
Jeanette Cepeda
Independently published
Publication Date:
Sep 27, 2019
Number of pages:
140 pages