It began with a simple idea. Back when FaceBook was an innocent eye and a playful journey - throwing sheep at each other - friends just being friends. I was alone in a world that resented my every breath.. for gifts I didn't appreciate - dreams I didn't respect - & love I'd always take for granted. Alone with my thoughts.. hopes.. dreams.. inspirations.. magic - I believed that if you took one moment every day and just looked into the dark abyss of a perfect universe - and found one simple reason to love - then in return.. love would find you. So I created a FaceBook Page called 'I Love You Because', so people could post the reasons why they're in love - so that when you're alone in the world - we could all.. still celebrate the journey together. I believe in this.. not because it's a hope or dream or new age fancy.. or even a lonely wish - cast away on the other side of forever. But because it's true.So I kept the faith.. and I believed in the universe.. I believed in love - and I believed in me.I believe in karma.. destiny.. fate.. and love. They are all real to me. I believe we've always been connected.And I know - I left you in time.. and in time - you'll find me again.Then one day.. as many lifetimes collided in linear elegance.. she did find me.. again. And together.. it was another beautiful day.This book celebrates the first 100 days of my relationship with my super amazing wife.. soul mate & twin flame - SLC. I rewrote many of the original quotes and added both FaceBook posts and quotes from some of the people in our lives at the time. Not only because I wanted to answer her for all of the times she's asked me why I love her. Not because the universe holds secrets that can't be understood but only experienced. Not because we were created for each other.Simply Because.. I love you -S