In order to get ahead financially, you have to be able to manage your finances effectively. This workbook will give you the tools in order to do that. It provides you a road map to going from drowning to understanding a controlling your finances. An essential snapshot of your finances. These forms can be used in any situation where an understanding of your finances is necessary. They can help you answer many of the questions that you and others may have about your finances. They help you manage your monthly expenses. This helped my wife and me, and now it can help you. The beauty of this system is that it can be applied to any currency no matter what it is. I know this system works because my wife and I have been using it for twenty-five years. Each month, I fill out a worksheet and take it to the bank. I get bank draft checks (cashier checks) for those that I either need to pay in person or through the mail. I check off the items as I pay them. In the notes section, I make notes on how many payments I have to pay off my debts for loans and so forth. I can also set financial goals and divide the builds between my wife and me. This financial planner can be adjusted as needed. My wife and I have used this system to gain control of our finances. It has brought us from having to get loans from anyone whom we could to stay afloat to having money at the end of each month. Considering that we both live on a fixed income, this says a lot. Should we have to answer questions about our finances? Instead of struggling for them. We have them at our fingertips. Adjustments are not a nightmare anymore.