Mortuary And Bioarchaeological Perspectives On Bronze Age Arabia (Bioarchaeological Interpretations Of The Human Past: Local, Regional, And Global Perspectives)
Mortuary And Bioarchaeological Perspectives On Bronze Age Arabia (Bioarchaeological Interpretations Of The Human Past: Local, Regional, And Global Perspectives)
This volume brings together an international consortium of archaeologists and bioarchaeologists at the forefront of mortuary archaeology work across Arabia to examine continuity/change in death and remembrance. While mortuary archaeology and bioarchaeology contribute important perspectives to the interpretation of life/death in ancient Arabia, these subdisciplines are rarely brought together in this region, and only recently have skeletal remains been recognized as a rich source of scientific data complementing burial context. Such joint collaboration highlights the novel, interdisciplinary perspective proposed in this volume, resulting in a synthesis of new ideas and interpretations that will undoubtedly guide future archaeological endeavors in Arabia and beyond.