Bob Farmer has hit the jackpot. In a flash, he got a highly-paid position with a prestigious research company and found a new, beautiful and incredibly sensual girlfriend, Zara. Bob's life suddenly seemed too good to be true. As it turns out - it was. When he and Zara went on what was supposed to be a one-night camping trip, his perfect world disintegrated - a rift in the space-time continuum opened, they were thrust tens of thousands of years into the past. From there they bounced back and forth from the past to the future and, in the process, encountered cavemen, early pioneer settlers, benign aliens, hostile aliens, bootleggers, the KKK and disco dancing. The only good thing, in Bob's mind, at least, was that despite the dangerous situations they found themselves in, Zara's appetite for sex never diminished. When he and Zara finally returned to their own time, Bob figured nothing else could go wrong. That's when he learned, however, that Zara was not what she seemed to be. The truth was that she was an alien who required a lot of sex to build a weapon, and that weapon just happened to be Bob himself.
- | Author: Greg Hansen
- | Publisher:
- | Publication Date: March 10, 2021
- | Number of Pages: 571 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1678074292
- | ISBN-13: 9781678074296