Productivity: How To Focus And Stay Productive: Stop Procrastination Now!: Get Things Done (Practical Guide To Productivity)

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Have you ever procrastined on something you wanted to get done? Overslept on your supposedly productive day? Yes, we all have. It is in our nature to procrastinate on things that aren't mandatory. Now it is time for a change.This book is for YOU! Yes for you, this book has only one purpose. Helping you to start taking the necessary practical action no matter what it is you want to start doing, this productivity guide will greatly benefit you. There's no better time than right now. Take the chance and learn how to stop procrastination & start following your purpose!Productivity: How to Focus and Stay Productive is an extremely powerful and most importantly practical guide book to help you become a productive & successful person whatever the field you're in. This book is designed for you to take action, not only to read it but taking real-world action Step by Step into achieving your personal goals, whether it is about business, exercising, householding or anything! You can do it.The content is divided into simple easy steps that help you become way extremely productive. It is designed to be a simple quick read to ensure as many as possible take the action needed. You may have a final doubt, but remember there's really no better time to start than right at this moment. You might not turn into the next Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg overnight. However, as you implement this book's content into your daily goals there's nothing holding you back from achieving all the goals you've always been dreaming off doing! Stop accepting average results and Just Do It...NOW! Ps. Did you just procrastinate by reading the description instead of taking action and ordered the book?

  • | Author: Edwin Lee
  • | Publisher: Independently Published
  • | Publication Date: Dec 18, 2019
  • | Number of Pages: 56 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 1677319372
  • | ISBN-13: 9781677319374
Edwin Lee
Independently Published
Publication Date:
Dec 18, 2019
Number of pages:
56 pages