Kireeti was born in a world bewitched by traditional boundaries. In early childhood, he realised, his shelter is his family, separated by a boundary from the rest of the world. He recognised boundaries between the rich and the poor, between men and women, between parents and children, between locals and foreigners, between upper and lower castes, between one country and another, between the illiterate and the educated, between the single and the married, between the young and the old and between the coward and the bold. At early ages, Kireeti blindly followed the existing norms of his society. As per prevalent customs, when he got a job and started getting a steady income, he kidnapped a girl and brought her home for marrying her. Situations got complicated, as the girl, he kidnapped, was already married. But if the girl is returned, he is very likely to be honour killed. He had to get himself trapped into the boundary of marriage with Subhadra. Kireeti shared his secrets with none. He found himself in a life of Pi; he needs to protect the tigress from drowning, at the same time he needs to be vigilant to protect himself and other relatives from the tigress.Kireeti moved to remote cities of his country, but Subhadra continued to remain aloof from him, either by taking leave from him for staying with parents, or by bringing her parents and/or siblings to their homes in the remote cities so that Kireeti's home is transformed into his in-laws' place.Kireeti thought on establishing marriage-less societies not only for his own plight but for many of his friends and relatives. In most cases the relationship of trust and love couldn't be established. Innocent individuals apprehend for getting trapped in a marriage.Still Kireeti strived to make his marriage a success. He left his country to live in another developed country with his wife. Situations were marginally better after initial settlement in a new country. But still bonds were never established between Kireeti and Subhadra.Kireeti was in a dilemma between what he is supposed to do within traditional boundaries and what he likes to do in a boundary-less society. He started playing double roles in his life; he acted as a happy husband and strived to earn remuneration to make his wife Subhadra and his son Kumar comfortable; at the same time he wanted to save with a view to writing books to share his vision about boundary-less societies. This was the time when Kireeti shifted his focus from Family boundaries to Country boundaries.With an event of mass disobedience we start, No shot is fired, no one is physically hurt. On a sunny day, at every airport of the world, People queue up for check-in with no visa in hand. One and all, in all the classes - economy, first or business, No one had a visa; world citizenship each like to harness.No international flight takes off From Wellington, where the day starts; From other airports of New Zealand too, no other plane departs. Nowhere in the world, from any airport, took off any International flight. Following day was no different, and the following night. All airlines give up, no end of the tunnel, no ushering light.The main suspect behind this chaos was Kireeti. His brain, his memoir underwent investigation. This book is the outcome of forensic analysis of Kireeti's memoirs.
- | Author: Parames Ghosh
- | Publisher: Independently published
- | Publication Date: December 14, 2019
- | Number of Pages: 533 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1675068305
- | ISBN-13: 9781675068304