Stop Procrastinating: How to Get Your Sh*t Done!
Independently published
Th?? b??k ?? ?????f???ll? designed t? d??tr?? th? ?r???l?ng force of ?r??r??t?n?t??n so you ??n ?l??m b??k ??ur l?f? ?nd do th? things th?t REALLY matter to you. B? ?v?r??m?ng ?r??r??t?n?t??n ??u ??n create th? joy, fr??d?m, wealth ?nd ?u????? you d???rv? - ?nd it ?ll starts h?r? - right n?w. T? b? clear th?? is not a b??k about 'n?rm?l ?r??r??t?n?t??n' wh??h ?v?r??n? h?? ?n ?n? form ?r ?n?th?r. 'N?rm?l ?r??r??t?n?t??n' h????n? t? u? all. It's when we put ?ff re-folding ?nd ?r?n?ng ?ur ???k? or we haven't g?t ?r?und t? ??l?r ??d?ng ?ur different t???? ?f t??? ?r ?l??n?ng ?ur car wh??l? with a t??thbru?h. Almost everyone avoids f?ll?ng in annoying f?rm?, fixing the muffl?r, going t? th? d?nt??t ?r d??t?r, paying t?x??, and doing d??? cleaning b?h?nd th? fr?dg?. This normal ?r??r??t?n?t??n is not really a ?r?bl?m - ?nd ??m?h?w it ?ll gets d?n? ?nd we're b?????ll? ok. The f?rm? do g?t f?ll?d in, w? g?t t? the doctor, we ??? the b?ll? ?nd life g??? ?n. This b??k f??u??? on a mu?h worse ?nd far more ??r??u? form ?f ?r??r??t?n?t??n. Th? good n?w? is th?? book will also help you h?ndl? the normal ?r??r??t?n?t??n ?? w?ll - but th?? is ?b?ut ??m?th?ng f?r m?r? ?m??rt?nt th?n filling in a f?rm or ?utt?ng labels on your jars of b??n?. This book is f?r ??u ?f... You ?r? ?urr?ntl? ?r??r??t?n?t?ng ?n ?v?r? area and ?t is l?k? living in a ?t?t? ?f ?u???nd?d animation - b??ng l?t?r?ll? ??w?rl??? t? m?v? f?rw?rd. S???ng "I'll d? ?t l?t?r..." t? ??ur important dreams ?nd work ?? ??r?w?ng u? your l?f? Th? pain ?f putting th?ng? ?ff for t?m?rr?w h?? got ?? b?d th?t g?tt?ng things done has ?t?rt?d to look ?????l?ng Y?u'v? g?t a l?ng l??t ?f things ?n your l??t th?t ??u'r? f?n?ll? ready t? d??l w?th You're r??d? t? feel th? j?? ?nd ??n?? ?f achievement fr?m m?k?ng ??m?th?ng h????n n?w You w?nt t? b???m? someone who makes things h????n Y?u'r? r??d? t? stop ?r??r??t?n?t?ng and claim b??k ??ur life ?n?? ?nd for ?ll I'm g??ng t? t???h ??u a ??m?l?, ?r?v?n m?th?d to f?n?ll? b??t ?r??r??t?n?t??n. Gu?r?nt??d. Ev?n ?f ??u'v? f??l?d ?v?r ?nd ?v?r ?g??n, th?? m?th?d WILL w?rk for ??u if ??u ??? ?tt?nt??n and do the ??m?l?, ??t ??w?rful, ninja ?t??? I'm about t? r?v??l. By applying th?? ?t?? b? ?t?? m?th?d in this book, ??u will b? able to do th? things ??u'v? b??n w?nt?ng t? do and ult?m?t?l?, g?t your life on tr??k. You'll also l??rn h?w to permanently ?v?r??m? the habit of procrastination. Y?u w?ll ?nj?? a ?r??r??t?n?t??n-fr?? l?f? th?t ?ll?w? ??u t? achieve your g??l? and dreams with ????. Let me know when you finish, leave me a review! I know this will change your life!
- | Author: Dr. Marybeth Crane
- | Publisher: Independently published
- | Publication Date: December 10, 2019
- | Number of Pages: 58 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1674098855
- | ISBN-13: 9781674098852
- Author:
- Dr. Marybeth Crane
- Publisher:
- Independently published
- Publication Date:
- December 10, 2019
- Number of pages:
- 58 pages
- Language:
- English
- Binding:
- Paperback
- ISBN-10:
- 1674098855
- ISBN-13:
- 9781674098852