The Little In Plain Sight (The Hidden Little Secrets)

Independently published
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If only he hadn't taken one look at me and recognized what I've kept hidden all these years. Vivica Reynolds isn't your typical "Little." Most days she'll never make Santa's good girl list. What she needs is a firm hand to keep her bratty side in check. She wants a Daddy Dom who will relish her bratty behavior - and enjoy bending her to his will, even if it means taking her over his knee on a regular basis. But so far, she hasn't been lucky enough to receive her perfect Daddy, and she pretty sure this Christmas won't be any different, cause every Little knows Santa only brings gifts to good girls. It should be enough to make any other Little desperate, but Vivica is made of stronger stuff. She'll just continue to hide in plain sight and hope he'd find her - without Santa's help. "If there's anything I love more than Littles, it's a headstrong one who needs to be taken in hand by her Daddy."As Vivica's godfather, Noah Pearson thought he knew Vivica inside and out, never expecting to run into her at an all exclusive age-play club. He's even more surprised when he finds out that the sweet little girl he helped raise after the death of her mother, is considered nothing more than an attention-seeking brat. The attraction he's kept buried in deference to his friendship with her father flares to life once more. Now, all he wants for Christmas is Vivica wrapped up in a bright shiny bow. She may have thrown the gauntlet in the ring with one of her infamous tantrums, but he's not above showing her how he handles misbehaving Littles. Because this Christmas he's more than willing to take one of the naughtiest Littles he's ever met in hand.Publisher Warning: The Little in Plain Sight includes spankings, sexual scenes, age play, naughty uses of ribbons and bows, as well as some elements of dub-consent. If such material offends you, please don't buy this book.

  • | Author: Dakota Trace
  • | Publisher: Independently published
  • | Publication Date: November 30, 2019
  • | Number of Pages: 139 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 1670038807
  • | ISBN-13: 9781670038807
Dakota Trace
Independently published
Publication Date:
November 30, 2019
Number of pages:
139 pages