
The Boy From Brunswick Junction: From Country Farm To Serving God In Africa

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For a man who had no interest in religion, and especially the Christian Faith, Bill was ambushed by God's call at the age of 21 years. His turn¬around to following this call was as sudden as that of the Apostle Paul on the road to Damascus. From his conversion he had to learn a new way of life, giving up compet¬itive sport, dancing and his foul language, to pursue his desire to serve God. He was determined to follow God's leading, and through influential friends, was encouraged to go and study at the Perth Bible Institute. Despite his poor education he excelled at his studies. In his first year at the Institute he was challenged by a former missionary to go and serve the Lord in Nyasaland (Now Malawi), which he accepted. He had to receive special permission from the Institute to leave his studies before he'd finished his Course, on the condition he completed it in Nyasaland. He had a growing interest in a young lady and struggled to leave her behind. Bill sailed for Africa in early 1940, just as Britain and Australia declared war on Germany. On arriving in Blantyre, Nyasaland, he start-ed a fruitful and challenging nineteen year ministry in Africa. Would his obedience to follow God to Africa be the end of his growing love for this young lady, or would God find a way to bring them together? This book, based on a true story, is a powerful reminder of what God can do with those who give themselves to Him wholeheartedly.

  • | Author: Ross Britza
  • | Publisher: Xlibris Au
  • | Publication Date: Apr 14, 2022
  • | Number of Pages: 378 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback/Family & Relationships
  • | ISBN-10: 1669885771
  • | ISBN-13: 9781669885771
Ross Britza
Xlibris Au
Publication Date:
Apr 14, 2022
Number of pages:
378 pages
Paperback/Family & Relationships