The 13Th Hour: A Thriller (The Nick Quinn Thriller Series)
In this original, twisty, and breakneck modern masterpiece (The Providence Journal), a man goes back in time to prevent the murder of his wife. At 9 p.m., Nick Quinn is sitting in a jail cell, arrested for the murder of his wife, Mary, when he is offered an astonishing opportunity. Given a talisman by a mysterious stranger, Nick now has the ability to go back in time, one hour at a time, for a total of twelve hours. With the chance to discover Marys killer and even prevent her death, Nick races against the clock, only to discover that his actions in the past could have unexpected repercussions on the future. Worse, if he hasnt set things right by the thirteenth hour, all will be lost. If there ever was a novel that deserves to be read in one sitting, this is it. With a totally original and compelling story line, The 13th Hour (Booklist, starred review) is an unforgettable thrill ride.
- | Author: Richard Doetsch
- | Publisher: Atria
- | Publication Date: May 03, 2022
- | Number of Pages: 352 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback/Fiction
- | ISBN-10: 1668002094
- | ISBN-13: 9781668002094
- Author:
- Richard Doetsch
- Publisher:
- Atria
- Publication Date:
- May 03, 2022
- Number of pages:
- 352 pages
- Language:
- English
- Binding:
- Paperback/Fiction
- ISBN-10:
- 1668002094
- ISBN-13:
- 9781668002094