Big Boys Don't cry begins with the travail of that birth, and then considers Bernard, a man-child whom this mother must raise without the footing of his father. Ann Dunham (Obama), and Virginia (Clinton)-Kelly were single mothers rising sons without a dad. No doubt, they have stories that bare a resemblance to this. Statically our sons are at a disadvantage but, providentially every man can rise as far as he aspires, and so I invite you, the reader to enter-in the eb, and flow of my kith and kin in anticipation of Bernard's Manifested destiny with all due respect to those who have gone before him.
- | Author: D. E. Bailey
- | Publisher: Authorhouse
- | Publication Date: Jun 01, 2022
- | Number of Pages: 96 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback/Fiction
- | ISBN-10: 1665561068
- | ISBN-13: 9781665561068