A menagerie of mixed poetry from innocence to the not so innocent A window's peek into the progressive mind of an unsettled poet, I'm somewhere between the decency of contemporary and a seemingly depraved mind of an inner debauched soul. Just a dreamer of prose, I write about what I feel and about the things that inspire me. I hope in turn that my words will in some way touch and inspire you.I've always been a rhymer, writing little quips here and there mostly for birthdays and holidays. I post them for everyone to enjoy and then one day a friend invited me into my first writers' group. From there I was hooked. I explored many different genres; from fun and whimsical to the darker side many would find taboo. This book is a compilation of years of work from a very modest beginning spring boarding into romance and landing into soft erotica with a few short stories in the mix along the journey.I'm still growing, still developing who I am and who I want to be, and finding inspiration all around me as I go. I hope you enjoy!-Benjamin A. Quill