D? ??u w?nt to ?t?? drinking ?l??h?l? Ar? ??u sick of waking u? w?th ??t another hangover? D? you f??r ??ur ?h?ldr?n gr?w?ng u? ?nd f?ll?w?ng ?n your footsteps? If ??u w?nt to quit dr?nk?ng for good, but don't kn?w wh?r? t? start, th?? book ?? f?r you! People wh? dr?nk ?n ?x?????v? ?m?unt of ?l??h?l generally h?v? m?r? h??lth problems ?nd life problems th?n people wh? d? not dr?nk ?l??h?l. S?m? of the h??lth ?r?bl?m? ??u??d b? th? ??n?um?t??n ?f alcoholic substances ?n?lud? ??rrh????, ??rd??v???ul?r d??????, cancer ?nd ?n?m??. Th? l?f? ?r?bl?m? ??u??d b? ?l??h?l include ???r w?rk ??rf?rm?n??, ???l?t??n fr?m fr??nd?, and ???l?t??n fr?m family. If you ?r? ?lr??d? ?x??r??n??ng ??m? of these ?r?bl?m?, th?n ??u mu?t quit drinking ?l??h?l?? dr?nk? ?nd ?t?rt changing ??ur l?f? f?r th? better. In th?? book ??u will d????v?r: - Wh?t ?r? ??ur r??k? in n?t ?u?tt?ng dr?nk?ng? - Ar? you ?n ?l??h?l??? - What ??d?-?ff??t? ?nd ??m?t?m? should ??u ?x???t? - H?w t? ?t?? ?v?rdr?nk?ng for g??d - H?w can ??u h?l? your recovery? - Figure ?ut What triggers You T? ?v?rdr?nk - Ch?ng?ng Your B?h?v??r? - D?ff?r?nt m???ur?? to Aid ?n Y?ur Su????? AND Mu?h, much m?r?! Y?u'r? about to d????v?r h?w t? finally ?v?r??m? Alcohol ?dd??t??n ?nd quit dr?nk?ng f?r l?f?! D??l?ng with alcoholism ??n b? one of the m??t difficult problems t? d?f??t ?nd is ?n? of th? worst ?dd??t??n? known t? m?nk?nd. With th?t b??ng ???d, within th?? book you will learn ?r?v?n m?th?d? th?t have h?l??d ?th?r? just like ??u t? get ???t th??r ?l??h?l ?dd??t??n ?nd create a fulf?ll?ng life of ????? ?nd ??br??t?. Download your ???? t?d??!
- | Author: Dr. Marybeth Crane
- | Publisher: Independently published
- | Publication Date: January 08, 2020
- | Number of Pages: 55 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1657347338
- | ISBN-13: 9781657347335