Light in the Darkness delves into the deeply personal and tumultuous journey of a man who discovers his true parentage, entangled in the dark history of eugenics. As he unravels the painful truth of his origins, he finds himself confronting a haunting legacy that extends beyond his own identity. The narrative takes a poignant turn as his children are unexpectedly plunged into the depths of autism, a mysterious connection woven through the threads of eugenics. Despite the obstacles and the donor's refusal to provide closure, the protagonist embarks on a quest to piece together the fragmented fragments of his past, driven by a relentless pursuit for answers and healing. Throughout this gripping tale, themes of resilience, love, and the power of understanding intertwine, leading to a profound revelation that promises the possibility of finding wholeness amidst shattered reflections.
- | Author: Greg Wyatt
- | Publisher: Havah Publishing
- | Publication Date: Jul 24, 2023
- | Number of Pages: 180 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1647510260
- | ISBN-13: 9781647510268