Lucky At Bat - 9781646638611
Koehler Books
Lucky At Bat follows the story of a young boy named Jack and his two rescue rats-Lucky and Gus-Gus. When Jack discovers that Lucky has a talent for baseball, the little rat becomes the mascot and secret batting coach for Jack's Little League team. Unfortunately, a rival team considers Lucky's presence "cheating," and tensions rise, resulting in a terrible accident. Lucky and Jack wonder if maybe a ballpark is no place for a rat. Now it's up to Jack's teammates and Gus-Gus to show both Lucky and Jack that they are special and important, and they should not give up on their dreams, no matter how big those dreams may be.
- | Author: Alisse Lee Goldenberg, Joseph Goldenberg
- | Publisher: Koehler Books
- | Publication Date: Dec 20, 2022
- | Number of Pages: 144 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Hardcover
- | ISBN-10: 1646638611
- | ISBN-13: 9781646638611
- Author:
- Alisse Lee Goldenberg, Joseph Goldenberg
- Publisher:
- Koehler Books
- Publication Date:
- Dec 20, 2022
- Number of pages:
- 144 pages
- Language:
- English
- Binding:
- Hardcover
- ISBN-10:
- 1646638611
- ISBN-13:
- 9781646638611