He Said She Said By: Heidi-Lee Stockenstrom He Said She Said was triggered by the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements. Author Heidi-Lee Stockenstrom loves quotes and wanted to express the differences between the sexes using quotes from famous men and women. She also loves painting and decided that painting of naked men and women with symbols connected to the quotes would help illustrate the meaning of the quotes. The objective of He Said She Said was to make people smile during this time of change. Heidi-Lee herself was a romantic, a single mother and vulnerable. She was lured into an abusive marriage to a man twenty-one years her senior. After five years of emotional abuse he deserted her leaving her stranded in the UK. She needed to regain her sanity and find something positive to focus on. With the increased awareness of the aforementioned movements, there are a lot of women who have come forward with their suffering as a result of sexual and emotional abuse. She felt motivated to design and create something positive to uplift the many, many people who suffer with and from these issues every day. This book is for them.