Rejuvenation 2.0 explains the fundamental basis for how and why our cells get old and die. It begins with vascular inflammatory free radical impingements on capillary- endothelial cell basement membranes that occur as a result of repetitive- maladaptive behaviors and lifestyle choices. The free radical impingements block the back and forth pivot and swing of capillary cell outer membranes and mitochondria. When capillary cell mitochondria don't swing combustion from energy to nitric oxide, chronic inflammation within end organ interstitial spaces will take the signaling lead to foment disease venues, deterioration of end organ function and set off relentless waves of fatigue and pain. The way back to wellness can be difficult but begins with reducing vascular inflammatory free radial impingements on capillary endothelial cell basement membranes to unlock the capillary cell pivot and swing dance. Its anti-inflammatory pace and stem and ricochet signaling effect to mesenchymal and end organ cells as well as to the interstitial space will follow, as chronic inflammation takes a check mate.